Here are some pictures of Truffle and Séra Skolli enjoying a lovely fall afternoon, temperature in the 60's, aren't we lucky!
I know there's a squirrel up there!
Truffie on the watch for the next excitement.
Séra Skolli, known locally as Sam, scoping out the landscape.
Truffie on the dirt pile.
Sam on the dirt pile.Truffie showing off some fall color.
Truffie looking pretty as always.Well, at least he is sitting in the general vicinity of the mums, long enough for me to snap a, it he a cute puppy or what! Four months and a week. I tried to get the two of them together, but that was a comedy of errors. I will have to enlist Mert to help me.
Now that would have been great but he had to turn his head at the last minute!